Momma's Morning Cup With Quinn Menier

The Teenage Years Are The Hardest!

Quinn Menier Season 2 Episode 13

The teenage years are the hardest. I find myself questioning my ability as a mother. If I can handle the pressure, the arguments, the responsibilities and the frustrations that come along with this journey. I do know that the teenage years are hardest when you are the one experiencing the body changes, the hormonal imbalances, the adjustments of schooling, the loss of friendships, the wanting to become more independent from your parents. I get that. Sometimes as a teenager you feel like you're losing control of everything.

Books Mentioned in this episode
Parenting From The Inside Out Daniel J. Siegel. M.D. and Mary Hartzell M. Ed.
The Five Love Languages of Children,   Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell, M.D.

I am going to include some scriptures for further studying if you are interested in reading what the word says regarding raising children. 

Proverbs 20:20

Proverbs 22:6

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